Saturday, August 23

Face Masks || Budget Beauty

Recently I've been getting into using clay masks as I've noticed a few pesky spots creeping in on my face. The two I use are from the drugstore and are under £5, cheap and cheerful! For both I have noticed a difference in my skin: it's been feeling a lot smoother and I've noticed fewer spots appearing and the ones I had are clearing up... good riddance! 

I've always been a fan of Simple as a brand as I had owned a few of their skincare products prior buying this mask. Although the mask isn't entirely visible when on and you don't get the tightness when it dries this one is probably my preferred one of the two. I believe this one cost £3.99 from Boots. On the back it has lots of fancy stuff about the ingredients and the vitamins and what benefits they give to your skin. I enjoy using this mask because it only takes 3 minutes to do its job!

Quick Fix is a new brand to me but they're mask range seem to have every variation to suit everyone's skin type and needs. This says that you get 10 uses within the tube however I've used this around 3 or 4 times and it isn't even nearly a quarter gone! This one cost £3.33 when it was on offer but I do believe it is slightly more expensive than the simple one, however you could argue that the tube is slightly larger. With this you do get the tightness and the cracking sensation but personally that's the fun part for me! This takes 10 minutes to dry so slightly longer but still is easy to remove. 


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